The line's engaged
ambien online india All around the world, OBOers are wrestling with similar dilemmas. "I'm supposed to be moving house later this morning," says Alex Lees with a sigh. "And it was my birthday yesterday so have had a few sharpeners and now well ensconced watching the game and am desperate for Carberry to succeed. The Mrs will understand my lack of activity tomorrow won't she? I also face the prospect of neither sky or the Internet until Wednesday so it's my last chance to watch this test and the days play will be over by the time the movers come at 8 am. I guess I'm just looking for reassurance." Reassurance? From us motley lot? Only if it's the kind you take from seeing people who are in even worse shape than you are yourself. I suggest you adopt more of a management role on moving day, and stand at the back with a cup of tea, stroking your chin, giving directions while you oversee the heavy-lifting. If questioned, just say "the world needs piano players as well as piano movers, you know."