It's serious ">buy topiramate online Exactly. But they don???t have a lot of good spectrum for wifi and Bluetooth; the TV spectrum is quite good. TV signals can go through lots of things, the frequency bands are quite good so it would be wonderful if that spectrum were treated the way that wifi is: instead of being auctioned off to the highest bidder just given to society to innovate in and create new wireless communication technologies, one of which is called ???super wifi???. At South by Southwest we and a few other like minded people funded We Heart Wifi; we took wifi access points and connected them to the internet via super wifi which is operating in this unregulated spectrum and made wifi portable because wireless access points would get moved around. They weren???t hardwired to the internet, they were wirelessly wired to the internet. We made a bunch of these wireless access points available for free during South by Southwest and got a lot of attention around that. It???s a hack, it???s a stunt but these kinds of things make a difference.